Q: Doc D, how about a debate between D-Bol and T-Bol? I am on 1iu of GH everyday almost year around, and am currently doing 500mg Test Cyp/ 1x week for 12 weeks and 400mg Deca for 10 weeks. I want to add either D-Bol or T-Bol and not sure which is going to be […]
How Long Should Your Steroid Cycle Last?
Q: I’m now stacking 200mg of Test a week, 200mg of Deca, and 20mg of D-Bol a day, and I’m sitting huge! I went from 191 to 213 in just 5 weeks! I want to stay on for another 19 weeks for a strong 24 week cycle! What is your opinion of this stack? A: […]
Get Mass With These Killer Steroid Cycles
Q: Can you give me a few good cycles for mass building? Guys in the gym won’t touch me because I’m new and they don’t know what the deal is yet. I’m totally on the up-and-up, but I can’t find help. I’ve taken a few cycles back in my home state, but now that I’m […]
hCG Intramuscular As An Alternative To Subcutaneous
Q: Why would someone recommend HCG intramuscular, instead of sub-q? A lot of dudes seem to use it this way. I just always thought HCG and insulin were sub-q. A: Believe it or not, the manufacturer recommends HCG injections intramuscular. Odd, huh? Who knew? It is a little known fact that has been bypassed by […]
Does Anesthesia Have A Negative Effect With Steroids?
Q: I’m getting ready to have surgery in about 6 weeks, and I am going to be put under general anesthesia. At the time of surgery, I’ll just be coming off of 500 Test E, 500 Deca, 800 Equipoise) can you tell me if I have anything to fear or do I have to tell […]
Are Your Hands Falling Asleep?
Q: I don’t know what’s going on, but my hands are falling asleep, both in bed and also in the gym, of all things. It’s been really happening for the past 2-3 weeks only, but it’s worrying me. I am on a big cycle right now, and I’m wondering if I am going into stroke […]
Anabolic Steroid Drug Abuse
Anabolic Steroids tempt one of the most commonly held desires amongst people of today’s society, which is why this drug is popular with teenagers as well as adults. The desire to be more beautiful, faster and stronger is perfectly normal. We all wish we could be a little more of these things. The difference is […]
Trenbolone Or Test – Which Is Better?
Q: About 6 weeks ago, I bought some Tren because I’d heard so many people say it was great over the years. I’m just not feeling it and think I like Test better. Does my body just not like it or what? A: Well, you didn’t say much about what you were experiencing. But if […]