Q: Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I greatly appreciate you and the Roids.Biz. I have learned a lot from your articles and expertise in the field. I definitely consider you to be one of the foremost experts in the field. I had a question regarding Dragon Pharma anabolics. Until you covered […]
A Look At Mexican Manufactured Anabolic Steroids
Q: I was wondering if you could get GHB in Mexico. If so, what brand name would it be under? A: What are you planning on doing, drugging sorority girls on spring break? GHB hasn’t been found in Mexican pharmacies for a long time, at least none that we know. If you find it, I’d […]
A Look At The Best GH Products Available
Q: What are the best GH brands and types? I am considering buying some and I just don’t know what to get. You can’t make heads or tails out of this question on any of the boards, because everyone has a favorite and swears by it. What’s the good word on hgh dragontropin, genotropin, fitropin […]
Anabolic Steroid Stack Guaranteed To Build More Muscle
Dear Dr. Deca, Q: I’m excited! I just got my new stack of Mesobolin, corTESTEN and TridenosenH and I want to know exactly how much muscle I should gain. I’m 19 and I weigh 171 with 8.5% body fat! A: That is a very tough question young man because every one varies and these is […]
Anastrozol Is The Anti-Estrogen Bomb!
Q: This is not a question, rather a compliment on a product you suggested called Anastrozol. This stuff zaps estrogen like mad. I’ve been on very heavy doses of Cypionate (2,000 mg a week) and felt like I was developing a lot of gyno. But man, when I went on Anastrozol, it disappeared almost immediately. […]
Anti-Estrogens – The Secret To Winning A Bodybuilding Show!
Q:В I hear that you have to take anti-estrogens just before you step on stage in a bodybuilding show – that it’s the only way to get hard and dry. What do you suggest? I hear people saying Nolvaxyl, but a buddy of mine says no one takes it anymore. Also, can’t you just pop […]
Oxandroxyl and Nandroxyl 250 – The Combo For Massive Muscle Gains
Dear Dr. Deca, Q: I want to get super-hard and tight and I thought about an Oxandroxyl and Nandroxyl 250 stack. What do you think of this combo for super tightness? A: I think it’s unbelievable because everyone knows how “hard” 30–40 mgs. Of Oxandroxyl (Anavar) can get you and now Nandroxyl 250 by Kalpa […]
Testing Your Steroids For Purity
Question: Someone I know mentioned that they got their UG gear tested and I wanted to do the same. Can you tell me where I can get UG gear tested to determine how close it may be to the actual mg doses stated? Answer: There is such a place. You’ll want to remain anonymous, of […]