How Dehydration Can Affect Your Testosterone, Muscle Integrity and Performance

If you’ve spent more than 5 minutes reading about bodybuilding nutrition, you’ve probably already read that bodybuilders need at least a gallon of water per day. Heck, you’ve probably heard since 6th grade health class that you should be drinking at least 8 cups of water for good health. For bodybuilders, however, the demand is […]

Testo LA

Substance: Testosterone Cypionate Testo LA is a veterinarian version of Testosterone Cypionate available in 100mg/ml 10ml vials. Testosterone Cypionate is an oil based injectable form of testosterone. Testosterone Cypionate is high in androgens and very highly anabolic. Cypionate aromatizes easily, like other testosterones do, making water retention a problem for many users. Testosterone Cypionate is […]

Anabolic Steroid Test Done in Germany

There is an interesting article on Muscular Development showing tests of original, counterfeited, and Underground anabolic steroid products. German Police arrested three dealers in Germany and tested the products they seized with them. Do remember that these tests by an official Government laboratory so the results are most definitely accurate, although the tests seem to […]

How Anabolic Steroid Use Can Affect Your Libido

There are several common misconceptions present in the world of steroids, sex drive (libido), sperm count, and reproductive abilities. This is a huge topic which affects a great deal of bodybuilders, but the research is often lacking in this area. Many authors tend to focus upon the positive and negative effects of steroids upon the […]

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