steroids and the body’s response

Steroids And The Body’s Response

Depending upon the amount taken and the duration of the period over which steroids are taken, the steroids effects vary vastly. Some steroids effects are temporary, while others, depending upon sex and age, will stay with users for the duration of their life. Usage is most popular among those who wish to bulk quickly, specifically with athletes and professional body builders, thinking only about the positive steroids effects. Many users begin at a young age, a trend that carries its own potentially dangerous steroids effects, aside from those seen in adults.

As far as permanent steroids effects are concerned, age is the major determining factor. Puberty is inherently a time of massive physical and emotional change; by adding extra hormones to the body, puberty is irreversibly changed. Studies show that teens with a steroid abuse problem can have stunted growth. Further, steroids effects for teens include accelerated puberty shifts, sometimes before physically or emotionally prepared. Abnormal sexual development is another of the many steroids effects, especially for young women. General steroids effects for young women are extreme acne, deepening of the voice, excess hair all over the face and body, a permanently enlarged clitoris and abnormal period, and in extreme cases, permanent infertility.

Sex is another of the major determining factors in steroids effects in the body, both in the short- and the long-term. For men, there is a distinct possibility that steroids effects will lead to a noticeable shrinking of the testicles. There are more physically obvious steroids effects for men as well; even for those not genetically predisposed, baldness can occur. Men can develop breasts from steroids effects over a long period of time. Women also suffer negative steroids effects from usage, because steroids are high in androgenic hormones. Generally, for women steroids effects mean the clitoris can enlarge, and the menstrual cycle can be seriously interrupted. Infertility is another of the steroids effects for women. Some of the more masculine steroids effects include facial hair grow as well as a deepened voice.

Some of the more temporary steroids effects deal more with the emotional reaction to taking steroids. Because steroids increase androgenic hormones, which are male hormones, steroids effects may lead to aggressive behavior. Beyond simply behaving more aggressively, steroids effects for users include a tendency to experience paranoid jealousy, delusions, and extreme irritability. The combination off all these potential steroids effects often leads to impaired judgment and irrational acting-out, commonly referred to as “roid-rage”. The sense of invincibility many of those taking steroids is a steroids effect that can complicate and over-stimulate other responses.

Some steroids effects are relatively minor. These minor, often physical, steroids effects include but are not limited to oily skin and acne, extra hair growth in unlikely places, and a deeper voice. Steroids effects use also include a harrowing increase in the risk of cancer, heart, and liver disease. Other internal health issues that are steroids effects include the lowering of HDL-C, or good cholesterol, sleep apnea, jaundice, as well as fluid retention. While the potential benefits from steroids include increasing muscle mass and endurance, the long list of potential steroids effects should be known before usage begins.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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