how to properly construct an anabolic steroid cycle

How To Properly Construct An Anabolic Steroid Cycle

When it comes to assembling a good steroid cycle for mass-building, success often comes down to access. If you have access to a large variation of drugs, you can quickly assemble a great cycle which adds muscle, burns body fat, and minimizes risk to receptors and organs by rotating various toxic compounds. Here is a common, popular cycle for adding 20 pounds of muscle in 4 months. This cycle employs Testosterone Cypionate, Equipoise, Sustanon 250, Trenbolone, Human Growth Hormone, and Arimidex to stave off estrogen side effects. It’s a common baseline for a complete cycle, and a good model for your own cycle. If you don’t have access to certain compounds listed, they can be substituted.

  1. Week 1 – Testosterone Cypionate (1000 mg), Equipoise (300 mg)
  2. Week 2 – Testosterone Cypionate (1000 mg), Equipoise (300 mg)
  3. Week 3 – Testosterone Cypionate (1000 mg), Equipoise (300 mg)
  4. Week 4 – Testosterone Cypionate (1000 mg), Equipoise (300 mg)
  5. Week 5 – Testosterone Cypionate (1000 mg), Equipoise (300 mg)
  6. Week 6 – Testosterone Cypionate (1000 mg), Equipoise (300 mg)
  7. Week 7 – Testosterone Cypionate (1000 mg), Equipoise (300 mg)
  8. Week 8 – Testosterone Cypionate (1000 mg), Equipoise (300 mg)
  9. Week 9 – Trenbolone (200 mg), Sustanon 250 (1000 mg)
  10. Week 10 – Trenbolone (200 mg), Sustanon 250 (1000 mg)
  11. Week 11 – Trenbolone (200 mg), Sustanon 250 (1000 mg)
  12. Week 12 – Trenbolone (200 mg), Sustanon 250 (1000 mg)
  13. Week 13 – Trenbolone (200 mg), Sustanon 250 (1000 mg)
  14. Week 14 – Trenbolone (200 mg), Sustanon 250 (1000 mg)
  15. Week 15 – Trenbolone (200 mg), Sustanon 250 (1000 mg)
  16. Week 16 – Trenbolone (200 mg), Sustanon 250 (1000 mg)

Weeks 1 – 16: In addition to the cycles listed above, run 2-4 IU of growth hormone and 1 mg EOD of Arimidex. This cycle should be followed by a break using PCT to ensure gains aren’t lost.

As you can see, this routine is professional quality and does require the use of six compounds which may be tough to obtain. If you are unable to find some of them, it’s understandable. Try to find substitutes. The growth hormone may be the toughest to locate, and it is a usable (albeit less effective plan) without it. Arimidex should be included at all times. Consult your doctor or supplier for further details on acceptable substitutions for compounds. The free members forum at is also a great source of information for planning a cycle. Good luck!

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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