fake black market steroids

Don’t Get Fooled By Fake Black Market Steroids

An old adage reads “the business of business is screwing people”. And it’s true. Those men in business who are best able to gain a sustainable competitive advantage by obtaining resources at less cost than others, then reselling them at higher prices, are always going to make a great deal of money. Those who buy items worth less than market value will lose money.

When it comes to the business of black market steroid sales, many people do get screwed, and it’s almost always unreported. When you realize that the sale itself is illegal – a U.S. citizen making an illegal purchase of AAS from an overseas laboratory, then having it delivered through Customs into the United States – you realize that when he doesn’t receive what he is promised, he has little recourse but to shake his head and never use that website again.

Aside from those companies who simply keep the money and never reply, there are firms which specialize in delivering products which are counterfeit. Many drugs are produced in overseas factory under the guise of ‘generic’, so they may not look, smell, or feel like the brand-name steroid we’d prefer but aren’t going to be seeing anytime soon. They are shipped to America in unmarked boxes, and they are then injected by American consumers. They have no means of testing what they are injecting. They have no means of recourse, should they become quite ill from the oil, if it is tainted. And their family has no recourse if they should die, as the sale would most likely remain secret (and die with the victim) and it was a crime to begin with. These firms also create other medicines which are purchased – both legally and illegally – by Americans seeking to save a few bucks or obtain something without a prescription.

What laws are being broken? Many, actually. First, it’s illegal to import any FDA approved drugs which are manufactured in the United States. Additionally, any drugs which are NOT approved by the FDA may not be imported without breaking the last. Labeling requirements must adhere to US law. To take it one step further, no drugs may be imported without a prescription. If you add up all of these factors, you can see that the average gym rat ordering gear online is breaking several laws. Therefore the seller has no worry of consequence should he decide to send the buyer something of lesser or zero quality.

The bottom line is that anytime you break a law to order something, you lose all power to act if the product you purchase is flawed. You should always first exhaust every other option before resorting to purchasing steroids online. First, try to see a doctor and convince him of your need for testosterone supplementation. Even a small dose (which may eventually grow into a larger dose) is acceptable. Second, if that option doesn’t deliver, look for local sources. You will pay more, as there will be a middleman taking the risk, but you’re more likely to receive authentic gear. Finally, be smart. If you’re going to take the risk to buy online, understand the risks and the fact that you have zero right to action if products are flawed.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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