The term steroid refers to a group of chemical substances that have almost the same structure. There are three types of steroids that are very well known to most people. These are: a) These are the hydrocortisone-like drugs. They are medically referred to as corticosteroids. These drugs are mostly ingredients in both prescription & non-prescription […]
Testosterone Cypionate Cycle
Testosterone is popular with bodybuilders and it is cost effective. Testosterone cypionate is similar to testosterone enanthate, but injections with Testosterone cypionate are usually less frequent. This drug works well alone or stacked to design a great bulking cycle. Although it comes with a high risk of side effects, it is excellent for building mass. […]
HCG – The Natural Hormone To Help Produce Testosterone
The Human Chorionical Gonadotropin or HCG in short does not occur as an anabolic steroid, though as a natural hormone that does develop within a pregnant woman’s placenta. HCG is widely used alongside androgenic steroids after or during the treatment. As aforementioned, most injectable and oral steroids have been known to cause lots of negative […]
What Is Glucophage And How Does It Work Like IGF-1?
Question: A friend suggested I take insulin along with IGF-1 and I don’t know a thing about either one. Another buddy of mine suggested that I get my hands on some Glucophage. So is that insulin or IGF-1? Where do I get it? Answer: Glucophage is a brand name of metformin hydrochloride, not a type […]
What Happens When You Inject Steroids Into Muscle Instead Of Fat?
Question: I feel really bummed this week because twice I feel like my shots went into the fat and not the muscle. Will it still be absorbed enough to work and count toward my mass cycle? Answer: It’s going to take longer, but dude, if you’ve got that much adipose in the off season, you […]
19-Norandrosterone Questions & Answers
What do you get when you add Nandrolone (Nandroxyl) and the 19-norandrostenedione metabolite? That’s an easy one! The answer, of course, is 19-Norandrosterone. Let’s learn more about this product, and see how it can be useful for you! Q: How powerful is 19-Norandrosterone compared with standard injectable testosterone? A: It’s about 70% as powerful, which […]
How The Female Breast Development Is Stimulated By Steroidal Action
The hormones estrogen and progesterone are of most significance when it comes to the development of the female breast. Both of these hormones work in conjunction with their receptors to impart various aspects of development to the breast. The hormone estrogen is credited with the formation of the duct that is found in the breast […]
Deca Durabolin: Steroid Profile
Deca-Durabolin can be said to be a brand name of the common steroid company, Organon. This is the same manufacturer of the steroids containing the Nandrolone Decanoate substance. The Deca-Durabolin is however favored to Nandrolone Decanoate even with the many drugs holding the generic compounds. Among the most common administrations of the drug include the […]