IGF-1 for Muscle Growth

The term “IGF-1″ is tossed around on bodybuilding message boards with a certain casual feel. It is often considered to be part of the long laundry list of compounds that an “All Drugs” bodybuilder would utilize to achieve his physique. However, despite this negative and often mean-spirited assumption, IGF-1 is an important compound that is […]


Nandroxyl is an androgenic anabolic steroid of the second class, which differs structurally from testosterone by the presence of hydrogen in the 19th position. 19-Nortestosterone is a long-acting steroid that is mixed with vegetable oil. But also Nandroxyl can be synthesized by the human body under natural conditions, although the concentration of its metabolites in […]


Dianoxyl is the trade name for the anabolic steroid – Methandienone, which won very wide popularity in the 1970s and 1980s in the USSR, where there was no wide choice of steroids at all, so the drug was called “weightlifter’s bread”. Why weightlifters? Because androgenic anabolic steroids are effective in power sports, although they are […]

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