The Placebo Effect

Human beings are curious creatures. We only use about ten percent of our brain’s power, yet have managed to land a man on the moon and put computers in everyone’s palm (Pilot) around the world. A total understanding of how the brain actually works would require brainpower greater than we possess, so it’s natural that […]

The Evolution Of Steroids

Steroids are often referred to as synthetic hormones because they are made artificially using male hormones. Sometimes the word anabolic androgenic steroids are used. In this case the latter term suggests they exhibit two different characteristics and in deed they do. They are anabolic in that they lead to buildup of stronger muscles and they […]

Nolvadex Side Effects

Nolvadex remedial use is mostly clear and evident from that of other Androgenic-Anabolic Steroids because it is not found within the precipice of anabolic steroids, or androgens for that matter. Male bodybuilders and female trainers have found the substance as exceptional and recommended substance, because it has been trusted for alacrity in terms of results […]

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